Worklogs Distribution
Before proceding, make sure you have na active integration with Timesheets. For more regarding this procedure, visit our page on INTEGRATIONS.
Step-by-Step Guide
Adding and configuring a Worklogs Distribution
Click on the Worklogs Distribution on the toolbar to position it on the grid. You can also hold it and drag it to the grid:
If it is not available on the toolbar, click on the chevron next to the available report to open the Reports window. Locate it and click on use report:
Click on Configure at the top of the report:
The configuration modal will be open. Click on the tabs or on Next to navigate between them:
On the tab Source, fill the following fields:
Issue Source (Required): Which issues will your button return. You can select a saved filter or perform a personalized JQL through the JQL Builder or a JQL query:
You can validate the query for your saved filter or your basic search for the number of issues returned.
On the tab Data, fill the following fields:
From (Required): Set the start date from which the worklogs should be considered on your report.
To (Required): Select the limit date to be considered when returning the worklogs.
Group By (Required): The way your issues should be grouped within the set period (e.g. by User);
On the Customize tab, fill the following fields:
Title (Optional): An easy and fast way to identify what your report is about, e.g. First Quarter of 2024;
Size (Small by Default): Set in which size should the title be rendered on your report:
After setting all the information, click on Save to render your report:
It will be rendered as below:
Resizing a report
Click on the report to select it:
Click and hold the squares on the corner and drag outward to increase the size of the report and inward to decrease it:
Adding a border
Click on the report to select it:
Click on the border icon to add a border on the default color and size:
You can change its size or color by cllicking on the chevron next to the border icon and selecting the desired options:
Refreshing one or more reports
Click on the report to select it:
Click on the Refresh button above the report:
To refresh all the reports on the grid, click on the Refresh button on the left:
Important Tips
There must be an active integration with Timesheets for the Worklogs Distribution to be available. In case you’ve got any doubts on this regards, contact your Jira Administrator or access our page on INTEGRATIONS.