Editing Dynamic Boards

Editing Dynamic Boards

✍️ Step-by-Step:

  • From the homepage:

  1. Access the homepage by navigating to “Apps” and clicking on “Advanced Columns”:

  2. On the homepage, choose the board you want to edit, click on  and on “Edit” right after:

  • From within the board:

  1. Access the board you wish to edit by clicking on its name.

  2. Once inside the board, click on and on “Edit” right after:


  3. Once the modal below has opened, modify the needed information and click on “Save” to apply the changes:


Your board will now be updated with the provided information.

📝 Important Tips:

  • Filling required fields is mandatory to create a new board. To avoid duplication, consider choosing an unique name for your board. If you leave the field “Name” blank or choose a name that is already in use, a message will be displayed according to the situation:


Note that is not possible to transfer the ownership of a board by editing it.

For further reference, you can explore our documentation on how to create your own board here.





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