Associating custom fields to projects

Associating custom fields to projects

Step-by-Step guide

  1. Access the “Manage your apps” section by clicking on “Apps” in Jira:



  1. Look for “Option Manager ” on the “Apps” section and click on it:



  1. Click on “Create Mapping” at the top-right:

  1. On this screen, start typing the name of the project you want to map:

  1. Select the desired project and click on “Add”:

  1. After adding a project, click on and on ‘Edit’ right after to start mapping your custom fields to it:

  1. Once this modal has opened, click on the select list and start typing the custom fields you wish to associate to the corresponding project. The results will be based on the field’s name and description:

  1. Click on 'Add' to associate the custom field with the project.

  1. You’ll be requested to either keep the added custom field in the global context or add a new one for that project. For fore details on this step, proceed to the SPLITTING CONTEXT page on our documentation.

Important Tips

  • Projects that are already mapped will be hidden from the search.