

Whiteboards are a interactive interface that allow users to write or annotate on the screen through a set of digital tools such as sticky notes, text boxes and other digital elements. They call also be used to display reports in a seamless way, without the common restrictions that come within pre-defined layouts.

When you access Whiteboard Reports, the homepage will dispay all the whiteboards that belong to you or are shared with you:

WR Homepage.png

To access a whiteboard, click on its name. You’ll be redirected to its soft grid:

QA Board.png

You can add any elements to any whiteboard you’re allowed access to, but changes will only be saved if you’re either in the EDITORS role or ADMINS role. To understand how to share and manage your whiteboard, checkout the links below:

To perform any administrative tasks such as editing, removing or sharing a whiteboard, you'll need to be either its OWNER or in the ADMINS role.


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