Creating a whiteboard

Creating a whiteboard

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. On the homepage, click on Create Whiteboard at the top-right corner:

WR Create Whiteboard.png
  1. Give your whiteboard a unique name and, if desired, a description:

Create whiteboard.png
  1. You can set a default role to grant determined sets of permissions for any user that access your whiteboards:

    • Admins: Any user will have all administrative permissions by default, meaning they will be able to rename, delete and add others users as contributors. Grant this role carefully.

    • Editors: Any user will be able to make changes to your whiteboard, meaning they will be able to add elements and rename it.

    • Viewers: Any user will be able to see and access your whiteboard, but any changes they make won’t be saved.

    • None: Your whiteboard will only be available for people you add as CONTRIBUTORS.

  2. Click on Create and the new whiteboard will appear on the list. Click on its name to access it:

  1. You will be redirected to a blank grid like the one below:

Important Tips

  • A whiteboard name cannot be empty and must be unique:

  • The CLONE operation will always be available for Viewers and above roles. To understand more about contributors and their permissions, checkout our page on CONTRIBUTORS.