Importing from CSV

Importing from CSV


  1. Click on the ☰ at the top-right corner of the list of options and on 'Import from CSV':

  1. Once the modal below has opened, click on ‘Choose File’ to upload a CSV. You can change your delimiter by typing it on the ‘CSV Delimiter’ field:

  1. On the screen below, select which column you wish to import from and select all options that apply:

  1. Click on Import Options to finish the importation process and make the newly imported options available on your custom field.

Important Tips

  • If you choose an invalid delimiter, the comma ',' will be set by default.

  • Duplicate options will be automatically ignored when importing a CSV file.

  • Existing Options will be shown as non-selectable options during the importation process.

  • All options are selected by default after selecting a column, but you can remove them by deselecting the corresponding checkboxes.