Advanced Columns is in a BETA release, therefore, its features are evolving quickly and screenshots seen below may be a bit different of the current version deployed on your Jira instance. We will do our best to keep this documentation as updated as we can!
✍️ Step-by-Step:
From the homepage:
Access the homepage by navigating to “Apps” and clicking on “Advanced Columns”:
Locate the board you want to add an admin to, click on
and on “Share” right after.
From within the board:
Once inside a board, click on
and on “Share” right after.
Once the modal has opened, locate the “Admins” section right below the Viewers:
You will be able to make the following users admins of your board:
Group: You can choose one or more groups that you have access.
User: You can choose single users of your site.
Private: Only you will have access to the board.
After each selection, click on “Add” to include it to the Admins list. Click on “Save” to apply the changes.
📝 Important Tips:
Admins can perform all operations on your board, so make sure you’re adding adequate users. For more information regarding what can be done with a dynamic board, try checking this sections: EDITING DYNAMIC BOARDS | CLONING DYNAMIC BOARDS | DELETING DYNAMIC BOARDS.
Boards owners will have all administrative privileges by default, even if they aren’t listed as admin. This special permission is irrevocable.
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